0508/0800 Numbers

0800 Numbers & 0508 Numbers for NZ Businesses

Add a toll-free number to your existing phone plan, or use as a stand-alone number

Adding free phone 0800 or 0508 numbers to your business can help remove the barrier of call costs from impacting on your client inquiries. You can choose to use this service in conjunction with a Dynamite IT phone plan, or run it completely separately and retain your existing telephone provider.

We offer some of the best priced free phone number plans in New Zealand. With a minimum monthly charge of $30 and incoming calls from only 10c a minute, getting the best 0800 number for your business has never been so cost-effective and easy.

With a New Zealand free phone number, potential clients no longer need to pay to call you from a landline or mobile, making it that much easier for them to contact you over your competitors. Making it free to call your 0800 number from a mobile could be the difference between a potential client call you or a competitor. As competition levels increase for businesses around New Zealand, make the decision today to remove this barrier from clients contacting your business.

I don’t have a business, can I still get an 0800 Number?

You sure can – head over to our personal 0800 number page and check out our competitive pricing!

What is the cost of New Zealand 0508 or 0800 Numbers?

People often ask us what it costs to have an 0800 number. We are one of the cheapest 0800 number providers in Wellington and around New Zealand!

Calling rates from only 10c per minute. Because the monthly line charge is used for the first $30 of calls, this makes the line rental for your business 0800 number free once you have received $30 worth of inbound phone calls!

0508 or 0800 numbers redirecting to a landline number

Line charge: $30 per month (includes first $30 of phone calls)
Calls from another landline: 10c per min
Calls from a mobile: 14c per min

0508 or 0800 numbers redirecting to a mobile

Line charge: $30 per month (includes first $30 of phone calls)
Calls from a landline: 18c per min
Calls from another mobile: 22c per min

If you are looking for a cost-effective toll-free phone number for your business, it doesn’t get much better than this!

How does the monthly pricing work?

In this example your 0800 number forwards to your mobile and every single call comes from a mobile: if you use 120 minutes in a month, your bill will be $30 (the minimum fee).  If you use 150 minutes, your bill will be $33.00

Is there a minimum contract term for a toll-free number?

No, there is no minimum contract term, simply give us 30 days notice if you want to cancel or transfer your 0800 or 0508 number.  It is that simple!

What’s a word number?

A word number is the 6 digits plus number range following the 0800 or 0508 prefix that is either designed to be catchy or represent your business to ensure it is memorable for your customers.

As an example take our sister company HostingNZ’s toll-free number 0800 Web Guy (932 489). This number represents our web hosting business and makes it easy for customers to remember.

Can I transfer my existing 0508 or 0800 toll-free phone number?

Yes, you can! We can transfer from other 0800 number providers with ease, and there’s no downtime. We will take the hassle out of your 0800 number so that you can focus on more important things. Simply complete the form below and the friendly team at Dynamite IT will contact you to discuss the transfer process.

Order your NZ 0508 or 0800 free phone number now

*Terms and Conditions Apply

We can also reduce your outbound call costs with a VoIP phone system for your business. We can tailor a phone line package to suit your business needs. Contact the local Upper Hutt team for additional information.