What Are Examples of IT Services?

What Are Examples of IT Services?

You utilise technology every day as a business owner, but do you understand how critical IT support and services are to keeping your business growing? How about running at peak performance? 

IT services are more crucial now than ever before, and that need will continue to grow. The pandemic pushed us farther and faster than ever before. Traditional offices suddenly had to transition to virtual offices. What was once in one building for staff and services are now scattered geographically, and the challenges of collaboration, cooperation, and information security are more prescient than ever before.

Since the hybrid workplace is largely here to stay, you might question how exactly IT can help your business grow. To understand that question, you first need to understand what types of IT services are available to your business. Let’s take a look at some examples of IT services that make a big difference to your bottom line.

What Are IT Services?

The term IT Services refers to the application of technical expertise to enable organisations in management, optimisation, and access of data, networks, and technology as it applies to business.

The market of IT services can be segmented into three main parts:

  1. Design
  2. Build
  3. Run

All of these parts are skills that are employed to deliver the service. If any of these services are outsourced, they’re then referred to as:

  • Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO)
  • Applications Outsourcing (AO)
  • Infrastructure Outsourcing

Because there are many different kinds of IT services that vary based on the industry — we’ve narrowed it down to the top seven types of IT services most commonly utilised for success. Let’s take a look.

#1. Cloud Services

Information technology has grown so much that it becomes a business’s best interest to store its data in the cloud. In addition, utilising cloud technology saves on the cost of local servers and server maintenance, physical office space, and more. Purchasing in-house servers requires a steep investment, especially for a small company. In addition, server maintenance can be very costly, making cloud services a much more affordable (and reliable) option. Additionally, cloud services are easy to use, scalable, and quickly accessible, making them a highly desired option for any business looking to be agile and ensure data security

#2. Monitoring Services

A monitoring application does just as it sounds — monitors servers, communication, Internet traffic, security, and anything else a business needs. 

While some companies will use automation software, managing automation can be difficult without guidance, and an information technology specialist is highly recommended to help your team do just that. 

An IT specialist develops procedures to monitor business operations systems such as:

  • Power outages
  • Network failures
  • Failed backups
  • Software updates
  • Monitoring Apps, websites, and more

An IT specialist can monitor all technology resources to keep business functions operational in the chance of adverse events (which always seem to happen sooner or later).

#3. Server Backups And Restoration

An IT specialist will create backups for all servers. Once created, the backups need monitoring for futurel periodic backups. If there is a failure in any system, your IT specialist is responsible for restoring the vital systems based on the most recent backups. 

Businesses are under a tremendous amount of pressure to perform. In this digital age, backups are critical, and downtime must be minimal. Any outage that causes your website or eCommerce storefront to go down could amount to significant losses in revenue.

#4. Network Security

We have all heard about network security concerns and data hijacking in the news. New technologies require more intricate data security systems. Data and network security are the most critical responsibilities of modern businesses, and their IT teams. 

Unfortunately, cybercriminals often spend big bucks to breach network security and are always on the search for new ways to subvert data security measures.. 

IT professionals are tasked with the same rigor, constantly improving their skills and staying current with the knowledge to keep up with advances in cybercrime. 

#5. Managed Print Services

Managed print services are not necessarily the first thing you think of when you think of IT services. But they are very much an IT function. Since everything we do is digital, businesses are always looking for ways to become more efficient and save money when it comes to their integrated processes.

One way to make this happen is through managed print services. This service takes all the hardware a user needs, such as printers, fax machines, scanners, copiers, and more. All devices are connected to the network, allowing the IT service department to monitor supply levels, anticipate needs for parts, and monitor the usage of all devices without the need for a supply manager to constantly take manual stock. 

#6. Computer Training

Technology changes so quickly, and although the IT department may keep up with the demands, users may struggle. Therefore, IT services are often tasked with bringing the team up to speed on best practices for creating, sharing, and collaborating on projects, teaching departments how best to utilise the technology at their disposal to streamline processes and increase efficiency.

#7. Help Desk Support

Every company needs help desk support—whether they realise it or not, especially if the business has multiple locations. The ability to remotely access users’ machines such as a desktop, laptop, or other company device makes this sort of support invaluable for business trips, remote offices, and work-from-home employees.

How Can We Help With Your IT Needs?

As a business owner, IT likely isn’t in your wheelhouse. And with a small budget, accounting for an entire IT department may be an expense that just doesn’t make sense for your business.

We get it. That’s why Dynamite IT Solutions makes managing your computer technology simple and cost effective. Dynamite IT offers a wide range of IT support services in Wellington with plans and packages to maximise the performance of your business. 

As a Wellington based business ourselves, we understand the needs of local businesses. We have tailored our range of products and IT services to take the hassle out of your business infrastructure. Our response time is fast as we are based in Lower Hutt and service the Wellington region including Upper Hutt, Wellington CBD, Porirua City and Kapiti Coast.

Dynamite IT believes in building streamlined IT systems that run so smoothly that you forget they’re there in the background. On top of professional IT systems, we also provide expert IT support to ensure you never feel alone. For a local team that can help with everything from 0800 numbers to web design, we are the IT experts you can trust and rely on – give us a call today.

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